Silver Oak's S.T.E.M./S.T.E.A.M. Lab

Thanks to the donations from our Silver Oak families, Silver Oak is able to hire STEM lab instructors who teach introductory STEAM concepts and activities to all of our Silver Oak students in a manner that is age and grade appropriate. See STEM Lab page tab for more details on our STEM lab.

Math Olympiads

A team of 35 Silver Oak Math Olympiad students meets weekly to learn different problem solving techniques and practice solving non-typical math problems. The Math Olympiad contest consists of 5 exams held once a month from November to March. Exams cover advanced math problems and have the same paper for 4th, 5th and 6th graders.

Math Kangaroo

Math Kangaroo is a popular international math competition for students in 1st through 12th grade. It promotes math among students worldwide and encourages students to master mathematical knowledge.


Primary Programmers

Primary Programmers is open for 4th, 5th & 6th grade students where students will learn basic programming concepts using a standard programming language, such as Python. From variables and data types to loops and arrays, students will learn basic algorithm development and create small software projects. The aim of this group is to establish a solid background for programming. (max 25 students)

S.T.E.A.M. Night

Silver Oak has hosted this fun annual Science Night since 2016. This family fun evening is filled with a celebration of invention, creativity, and resourcefulness. The evening is a combination of hands-on experiments and demonstrations that students and their families enjoy from science to art to gardening to engineering to craft. 


Silver Oak Elementary School's STEAM Lab opened in March 2017. It was the first dedicated STEAM lab in Evergreen School District. "We want children to have 21st century skills in science, technology, engineering, art and math. Our STEAM Lab offers our kindergarten through 6th grade students fun, exciting, hands-on ways to explore these subjects. The projects they will work on will strengthen students' abilities to be creative and flexible problem-solvers," explains Silver Oak Principal Howie Greenfield.

Our lab offers students in all grades the ability to learn introductory STEAM concepts and activities that are age and grade appropriate.

With Silver Oak PTO donations and Measure M monies, the STEAM Lab is colorfully outfitted, wired for the latest technology, and equipped with materials and tools so students can take advantage of a space that promotes working on group projects. The lab has a laser cutter and 3D printer and cardboard and wood building tools including glue guns, cardboard cutters, and drills. Various software and hardware kits are used in teaching technology lessons aligned to Next Gen science standards.

Silver Oak's Math Olympiad Team

A team of over 30 Silver Oak Math Olympiad students meets weekly to learn different problem solving techniques and practice solving non-typical math problems. The Math Olympiad contest consists of 5 exams held once a month from November to March. Exams cover advanced math problems and have the same paper for 4th, 5th and 6th graders. For more details, please contact Silver Oak parent volunteers at

  • Registration will OPEN on Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 8:00a.m. and close as soon as capacity is reached or by Wednesday October 11, 2023.
  • Registration cost: $55 per student.
  • Classes will BEGIN on Friday, October 13, 2023 from 7:00a.m.–7:55a.m. at Silver Oak. Room numbers will be shared after registration is closed. 
  • Duration – From October 13, 2023 to March 15, 2024. Classes will be held every Friday morning from 7:00a.m.–7:55a.m. NO Classses on 11/10/23, 11/24/23, 12/22/23, 12/29/23, 1/5/24, and 2/23/24.
  • Max capacity is 50 students. We will run 2 classes, both simultaneously on FRIDAY MORNINGS ONLY. No other days/times.
  • Registration fees are non—refundable.

Only students who are willing to regularly attend the in–person classes and commit to participate in all 5 contests should register for this program.

Math Olympiad Test Dates: No make-ups allowed. Final Test dates.

Contest 1 : December 01, 2023

Contest 2 : December 15, 2023

Contest 3 : January 19, 2024

Contest 4 : February 09, 2024

Contest 5 : March 08, 2024


For information about the Math Olympiad program, Click Here.


For questions regarding Math Olympiad at Silver Oak, email: 

2023-2024 Math Kangaroo Enrollment Closed


About Math Kangaroo
Math Kangaroo is a popular international math competition for students in 1st through 12th grade. It promotes math among students worldwide and encourages students to master mathematical knowledge.

The Math Kangaroo exam is usually held in March each year. Silver Oak School volunteers coordinate the logistics to have the MK exam conducted at the school. There is a nominal registration fee of $21 payable to MK directly to participate in this exam.

The format of this test is as follows:
 75 Minute multiple choice test
• 24 Questions for students in grades 1 to 4
• 30 Questions for students in grades 5 to 12
Students learn mathematics, improve their math scores, and develop enthusiasm for math and logic reasoning
• School receives T-shirts, toys, and postcards for ALL participants before the competition that are distributed on the day of the test after the exam has been written.
• School receives medals, ribbons, awards, and certificates for winners after the competition that are given out at the Silver Oak Year End Math Awards Ceremony. 
Registration Time frame: Oct 11 - Nov 15, 2023
Exam Date : Thursday, March 21, 2024 3:00–4:15p.m. at Silver Oak School
Eligibility: Silver Oak Students in Grades 1 – 6
Cost :  $21 per student payable directly to Math Kangaroo once the pre-registration with Silver Oak is completed. The registration form will open on Oct 11, 2023.
Max capacity : 90 students
Optional Classes : 

Here are the classes (optional) that students can choose to attend if:

  • 1) Pre-registered with Silver Oak PTO using the registration link below.
  • 2) And student's registration is completed on the MK website (details will be emailed once you pre-register).

Classes for 7 weeks will be offered from Oct 27 - Dec 15/ Dec 20

  • Grades 1 & 2 (Level 1 & 2) on Thursdays 12:40-1:40pm (10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/30,12/7,12/14)
  • Grades 3 & 4 (Level 3 & 4) on Wednesdays 2:20-3:20pm (10/25, 11/1, 11/8,11/29,12/6,12/13, 12/20 - 11/15 is a Holiday)
  • Grades 5 & 6 (Level 5 & 6) on Thursdays 12:40-1:40pm (10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/30,12/7,12/14)


Coaches needed for Math Kangaroo!

 2 TEAM Math Kangaroo COACHES responsible for..

Holding Phase 1 - weekly classes from October 26, 2023 – March 14, 2024 to teach the math concepts covered by the contests.

  • Classes for 3/4 grades will be held on Wednesdays, after school from 2:20-3:20p.m.
  • Classes will be held for 7 weeks. We would love to be able to offer more classes to our school kids if you can volunteer weekly up to March.

PTO has volunteers available for teaching Math Kangaroo style problem solving for kids in levels 1&2, 5&6.

We are seeking 2 volunteers for teaching Grades 3 & 4 together along with a lead coach who will help familiarize new volunteers with the problem solving methods . These classes will be attended by those kids who are registered for the Math Kangaroo Competition. Resources from MK are readily available, as well as guidance from program lead.

Please consider volunteering your help today. Please email Radha Venkatraman @ if you would like to volunteer, or would like more information. We are hopeful we have many Math enthusiast parents out there that will help PTO to bring up this great new offering even for the youngest of our school's children! 

For any questions, please email Radha at

For more details, visit Math Kangaroo.

2023-2024 School Year


Silver Oak Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) will offer the Primary Programmers course from October - March in the school year in 2023-2024. The classes will be held on Thursdays before school between 7:00 AM and 7:50 AM. The course will be for Grades 4th - 6th only.


Course Description

Primary Programmers is open for 4th, 5th & 6th grade students where students will learn basic programming concepts using a standard programming language, such as Python. From variables and data types to loops and arrays, students will learn basic algorithm development and create small software projects. The aim of this group is to establish a solid background for programming. (max 25 students)

Dates & Times

Primary Programmers  - Thursdays: Oct 12th, 2023 – March 14th, 2024 from 7:00 AM to 7:50 AM

Every week except school holidays. The room information will be provided before classes begin.


Registration:  Students may be registered online on a first-come, first-served basis until capacity of 25 is reached. If your student misses registration, or a desired class is full, please send an email to with the student's name, grade, teacher, to get on the waiting list.

Grades:  Open to Silver Oak 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students

Deadline:  Thursday Oct 1,2023 - Oct 9th, 2023 (or earlier if capacity of 25 is reached)

Fees:  $25 per child



Math Olympiad Recognition Page

Congratulations to all the students who took part!


Silver Oak PTO would like to thank all the students who participated in the Math Olympiad 2023- 2024 this year. We are proud of your dedication towards the study of Mathematics. Congratulations to all the participants and winners.


A big shout-out goes to our MO Coordinator Poornima and Coaches Soumya, Jyotsna, Tezaswi with support from Pramod and Narimane.They have been volunteering their time and energy on coordinating this program and by preparing and teaching weekly classes to our students.  Without their efforts, the Math Olympiad program would not have been possible.  And, as always, a thank you goes to our STEM Director Radha and the PTO group, for supporting extracurricular activities like Math Olympiad.


Here are the top 15  individual percentiles:





Score Percentage



Grade 5

Top 2%



Grade 5

Top 2%



Grade 6

Top 2%



Grade 4

Top 10%



Grade 5

Top 10%



Grade 5

Top 10%



Grade 6

Top 10%



Grade 6

Top 10%



Grade 6

Top 10%



Grade 5

Top 20%



Grade 6

Top 20%



Grade 4

Top 20%



Grade 5

Top 20%



Grade 6

Top 20%



Grade 5

Top 20%



Grade 5

Top 20%



Grade 5

Top 20%


Siddhant,B was the only student in our school to earn the prestigious Dr. George Lenchner Medallion, awarded for a perfect score of 25 points. He was one of 208 kids nationally who scored a perfect score. He also received a Highest Individual Score award.


Sushil, V was the second student who scored a Highest Individual Score award for 24/25 points and he was one of 315 students nationally who had this score.


Silver Oak School received a TEAM AWARD PLAQUE for being in the TOP 10% by scoring a total of 205 points.

  • A Gold (White) Pin is awarded to those in the 98th percentile (top 2%).  This year, Elementary division students correctly answering 23-25 problems earned Gold pins.

  • A Silver (Blue) Pin is awarded to those in the 90th to 97th percentile. Students answering 18-21 problems earned Silver.

  • An Embroidered Felt Patch is awarded to those in the top 50%. 

First Exam 

Congratulations to the following students:


Second Exam 


Third Exam 


Fourth Exam



Fifth Exam




Silver Oak PTO's Annual STEAM Night!

March 14, 2024


With over 200 students attending, Silver Oak had a great time doing science & art experiments!
We had chemistry demonstrations such as Iodine clock, cloud in a bottle &  fire tornado!  The kids loved making their own rockets and launching them on our brand new "Rocket Launcher" device! They had a blast, literally!
They tested balloons on nails by slowly increasing the weights placed on a specially made instrument to test the concept of distribution of pressure using a bed of nails and scientifically recording the results!  
Learning about Geology through Rocks & Minerals and Fossils was simply awesome and highly popular! They even made their own fossils!
The students learned about chemistry by inflating balloons with a simple powder and a bottle! They learned about endothermic reactions and made themselves a squishy ball! Math and binary numbers were learned by using our specially coded programs!
The kids loved to see LED lights & clocks powered with circuits using vegetables and fruits!
They even created marble art using shaving cream.
Food Experiments - the favorites popcorn and cotton candy were discussed and of course sampled too! The brand new entry of Fibonacci 4 color, layered, Math powered, lemonade was a fun addition to the group this year! 
Lastly, the Makerspace Bus added a wonderful touch to all our offerings with their microscopes & viewing of different cell slides.
To see photos from the event Click Here.

Thank you to our Volunteers
Special thanks to Mrs.Hokanson for bringing in her extensive rock collection!
Experiment Research Team : Rashmi R, Tezaswi R, Soumya & Ravi R, Navjot S, Palak D, Sean D, Mrs.Hokanson, Mudit B, Ritu B, Sujitha S, Helen L, Tai Yun W, Sophia H, Smrita S, Lakshi T., Meera C, Jyotsna C.




Math Kangaroo Recognition Page 2024


Silver Oak PTO would like to thank all the students who participated in the Math Kangaroo 2024 this year. We are proud of your dedication towards the study of Mathematics. Congratulations to all the winners who made it to the Top 20 in the Nation & State of California.


Congratulations to the Math Kangaroo winners!

Pictured below from left to right: Principal Sanchez, Anaahat A., Risha R., Dhairya N., Mohan C., Bao N. & Ethan K.


Here are the key statistics:


Over 44,070 students in the United States from 50 states

117,941 students in California

76 students from Silver Oak School all of whom finished in the National Top 98 ranks,

37 ranked nationally in the Top 51 - 98 ranks

14 ranked nationally in the Top 41 - 50 ranks

11 ranked nationally in the Top 31 - 40 ranks

8 ranked nationally in the Top 21 - 30 ranks

6 ranked nationally in the Top 20 ranks


The details of the Top 20 rank holders who get special recognition is listed below. Congratulations to all participants & winners!!


Student Name


National Rank

State Rank


Mohan C




Dhairya N




Risha R





Anaahat A





Bao N




Ethan K





For more photos from the Math Kangaroo awards ceremony please Click Here.